
«If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, but your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.»
          	Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre 


❝ I Had Closed off all avenues to Your grace,
          But then, I found myself at her doorstep, seeking solace and pace.
          And what an astonishment that You made her to heal and renew,
          So with gentle care, she led me back to You. ❞
          Salam! If you get time, check it out! You never know, you may find yourself adhering to it!  <3


Ok but why is it everytime we talk about the suffering of people in war torn countries, it's always women n children like yea they're the one's who suffer the most but like some people make it out as if every man who died was some armed soldier or worse an armed terrorist like???? It's even more angering n even annoying when people be arguing on twitter n wanna win some oppression Olympics n keep evoking the women n children died card like you're just using their oppression to evoke some sort of pity.................................


I have witnessed the greatest minds of my generation falling victims to perverse politics and performative social activism, no longer do men write about armpits and speak in fascist Italian broadcast during world wars
          The world needs more perverts and more outright unashamed brutality


لكي أكتب شعرا ليس سياسيا يجب أن أصغي إلى العصافير، ولكي أسمع العصافير يجب أن تخرس الطائرة
          In order for me to write poetry that isn't political 
          I must listen to the birds 
          and in order to hear the birds the airplane must be silent
          مروان مغول
          arabicwords 0