Okay, so on the topic of writing... I HAVE RETURNED! Sort of--
Hello! It's nice to meet you again, beloved readers. It has been about a little over 2 years since my last update. Although in reality, it's been over 3 years since real additions to Winton's Grove.
As for the few of you who are still tuning in for it, I have good and bad news. Bad news is that nothing has been added to the story writing-wise. And I have put the project on hold for about a year now.
Good news is that I've spent my free time polishing the lore of the series. Now, "Series?" YES! SERIES!
I've paused Winston's Grove as in the time I was adding more lore to the world, I managed to create an entirely separate backstory for a different story that had taken place before the events of the novel.
There are a few different stories with one of them being a collection of tales from across that world. The "Ventures" series will be the focus of my writing journey for the foreseeable future and has collectively taken me about 7 years to create. Including returning characters from old lore archives and fresh stories of different kinds to be explored.
I'm sorry for the wait. And I'm not quite sure if WG will be finished soon. But what is for sure is that there will always be work put into the universe as time goes on. So I hope we all work towards that growth as writers together.