Hey guys too everyone reading this! I might delete all work and this account soon. Unfortunately I won't be coming back
this message may be
@damian_the_reaper you known that's not the point here. Yeah okay I get you doubt shit, yeah okay it's sucks, yeah okay you feel like shit. But to snap at me and and then literally fucking make it seem like me wants are all sorted fucking wrong and disgusting, you know what that makes me feel like? I shouldn't have to say anything you of all people know better than anyone what doubt does no? And to still smile and look at it as if it isn't a big fucking deal, and still try and be happy because there's enough issues, and then be snapped at for no fucking reason, it feels like shit. It pisses me off. And yeah I'm sorry for wanting space and time and needing these things too and feeling like it's fucking unfair, I'm sorry about that but I literally can't even fucking eat or do anything and I'm not guilt tripping you it just feels that way. I get it I do. But I'm kind of breaking right now if you haven't noticed and getting a hmmm in response helps. Because yeah I'm at my edge. I can't take much more. To be snapped at for something small like that, feels amazing. So yes I am taking time. As much as I fucking need. And no its not just about you. It's just not just about you snapping, there's more to it. So no I'm not trying to make you feel guilty as it is I feel fucking guilty for literally trying to have a conversation. So yeah. And no I'm not making it about me. I'm not. Don't misinterpret my words and ever say I am seeking pity or attention.