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It feels alien coming back here after so many months and seeing that stupid crackfic we wrote has 400+ views and just SO WEIRD. I legit came back so i cud try to find some fanfic for some of my fandoms... also twas not fun seeing i had like 600+ notifs of people commenting back and also seeing many many people trynna get me to go to jail for my comments. my comments itself feels so far away and not the person i am rn lmfao not that im mature now I JUST BELIEVE I HAD THE GUTS TO ACTUALLY COMMENT THAT SHIT i apologize to anyone i scarred it WAS funny tho hehe. AIGHT lemme go find so zukka or andriel or kagehina fanfiction bye <3

and omfg when i look back on my comments from 2016 PLEAZ I DIE A LITTLE INSIDE EVERY TIME