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The build-up to the AOT Manga ending is ass. Levi and Eren have the only really enjoyable moments im the last 30-40 chapters. The ending was satisfactory. Sasha didn't deserve to die.

Alright, got a few things to say. First of all, thank you very much for following me. I must've lost track of when you did but I appreciate it nonetheless. Secondly, I greatly appreciate the support that you've given to me on my AOT book and that really means a lot to me, considering that I'm not all that confident about it. Truly puts a smile on my face and I thank you immensely for that. I hope you look forward to what I have in store for Season 4!

@MelonLegs I have to agree and relate to that. School manages to take away so much time. The amount of trash-mediocre stories on the site is absolutely depressing. So many stories that had so much potential all manage to disappoint me more than I disappoint my family. It's honestly gotten to the point where I just want to message the writers and ask them to let me rewrite it for them. Though I don't do it cause writing is so much harder than I thought it'd be, so cheers to you for managing to make 2 proper stories that are good. The community is pretty nice too, most of the time the comments are pure gold. (Big R.I.P to the update time then, #boycottschool)

@DiamondCGA No problem about the wait time. I can understand the frustrations with education and academics since they unfortunately get in the way of my writing way too often. And also, thank you so much for the compliments. Gonna be honest, the lack of proper content on this site is what got me to start writing here and everything just blew up from there and has been going greatly because of people that support me like you. Couldn't have asked for a better community. (Also, I'm pretty sure that the next update may be delayed because again, S C H O O L S U C K S)

@MelonLegs Oi, you! Yes, you! Mr. Melons you are a fantastic writer; one of the best authors on this godforsaken app/site. I actually mean that, your stories are well written and have an interesting plot. I like your pacing, the interactions between the mc and the world, and the twists you come up with. I'll be looking forward to your next update! ~Side Note - Sorry I took a bit long to respond to this, school sucks fr.

The build-up to the AOT Manga ending is ass. Levi and Eren have the only really enjoyable moments im the last 30-40 chapters. The ending was satisfactory. Sasha didn't deserve to die.

To any of the people that might see this and might care, I just want to say that I have just beaten the first 'Danganronpa' game, and I have lost all mental willpower power... That game made me second guess myself way too much, the plot twists absolutely caught me off guard (especially chapter 3), and all of my predictions got demolished in the trials. The ending twist was... unexpected, to say the least... I never expected for it to end like it did (good ending btw), just because I thought it would be too simple compared to what the rest of the trials brought. And I just stopped trying to guess for most of the last two chapters cause I had no clue on what was going to happen. And I really can't say that I expected it to end on a CLIFFHANGER. LIKE WHYYYYYYY. COME ON, REALLY? Welp, onto the next installment of the series I guess. Goodbye sleep schedule... You shall return in approximately 7 days...

Thanks for the follow

@DiamondCGA Thank you so, so much for the follow and for adding my 5th Hero story to your reading list! It really means a whole lot to me as a writer to know you're at least a little interested in one of my works! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to spark a friendly conversation, please don't hesitate to leave me a message or a comment. I always respond A.S.A.P! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the story!

@Trishula97 I'll keep that in mind when I read it! I don't have any questions in mind so it's all good but thanks for asking!

@DiamondCGA Just a quick note before you begin then, just so you don't shut down the read right away. When I started the story, I was still a bit of a novice writer, so, for the first 5 or 6 chapters, the story's written in a bit of a harder to read layout. Chunky paragraphs is what I mean. But after those few chapters I switch writing styles so it's easier to read, much more like a script for a play or something along those lines. Any questions about anything before you start?

@Trishula97 I haven't gotten around to reading it, currently reading some other stories and a bit busy with school but I'll let you know when I come around to reading it, but, it probably won't be for a bit.

Hello thanks for liking the chapters of my story and following me! I just wanted some help if that would be ok. I usually asks me readers from time to time to give feedback on my stories. Since doing a full on post to ALL my followers is a bit much, I do these asks. I'm getting to a really important part of the story and wanted some feedback from a reader especially now. So I encourage you to be harsh so I CAN improve. What you liked about my story and the parts you didn't. Even if you don't respond thanks anyway for liking it!

@NemesisX5 Glad that I didn't waste your time then and I'm glad that my feedback managed to help you even in a small way! For the Japanese that you used in the story, I didn't really notice any grammar error in it (probably because I don't know Japanese) and yes it makes sense that you had to use Google Translate for that. I have also started to read the manga and I might try to watch the anime after. I didn't really have a 'genuine' concern if it was going to be a harem. I mostly made that part as a joke, but it does make me happy to know that it won't be a harem! I would have still continued reading the story even if it were one, but I honestly tend to enjoy them more if it wasn't one. As for the "Rebound" girl, I honestly have no complaints if they were to have a relationship together as long as it makes sense. And based on what you mentioned, it does make sense that they would talk to each other and possibly be in a relationship. The use of Overbooster also felt very satisfying for me as well as it being surprising because most stories that I've read just give the MC a really cool sounding skill/power, only to have it be forgotten and never brought up again. - DiamondCGA `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

@NemesisX5 Thank you for the feedback and don't worry, you didn't waste my time. From this I may actually go back and edit some fight scenes specifically into more digestible chunks. I try to add some real Japanese dialogue into my story but since I copy/paste from Google translate it may not always be accurate. I mean, she is LITERALLY japanese and language barriers are not just something you can gloss over so I made that a part of the "First Act". By the way, go watch the original anime and manga. I don't try to OVERUSE images of things people already know of like Kumoko's new form in ch 14. I don't add an image because I assume the reader already knows what they look like. For the legitimate harem worry, Ryuka would absolutely not work. If a classic "Cat fight" broke out, he would honestly pick them both up, slam them together, and then throw them both out the window. Kinda like that Bumblebee scene with the tiny red and green transformers. This next part you can consider a spoiler so you can just skip to the final part below if you want *(The blue dragon from after the time skip may just be a "Rebound" girl. Still deciding the tiny parts but it may just be a instinct thing and since they are both none-humans that regret their behavior in their past lives from a story point they HAVE to interact. So in conclusion it may be a temporary thing with Kumoko gone out of the story for a period of time)* F.Y.I not related at all, I waited SO LONG to finally use Overbooster from CH: 4 if I remember correctly. There is so much satisfaction for the reader AND the author when there is payoff to a long built up. I just wanted to tell that to someone, really anyone.

@DiamondCGA ~Forgot to add one more thing that I loved -Slow Burn/Romance; I have been trying to find a fanfic that has slow burn in it but I have failed to find more than 3 of them in the past 5 months. All of them get together in less that 10 chapters while also having the 'I blush the first time I see you/compliment you' cliche every single time so I thank you, thank you so very much for having it be a slow burn pairing and also thank you for doing it really nicely. It didn't feel forced, nor was it the usual cliché that was used since Kumoko had a genuine reason so as to fall in love with the MC. Also, I'm going to give my two cents on why I feel like it shouldn't be a harem (Incase you do plan on making it one) 1) No 2) The MC and Kumoko have really great synergy together and I feel as if it wouldn't work if the MC had a harem due to his personality 3) MC and Kumoko both come from Earth so if they were to ever return, they would be able to peacefully live together as polygamy is not legal in most of the world. (Just a What-If situation) 4) Expanding upon the last point, both of them come from Earth where Monogamy is the norm and is taught to be the only one acceptable by nature while Polygamy is not allowed so morals may come into place. (Idk if they get influenced by the monster bodies or the world sense so this point may be stupid) 5) No 6) Three or more is a crowd 7) Harems are stupid and overused 8) Pls No