
Sorry I haven’t updated story I will soon :(
          	I’m so... lost ever since I was little I’d I wanted to be a YouTuber, I thought I had my whole life set I didn’t even have school yet.. when I started I was made fun of I was hurt easily I was so little then I gave up I said I’d do it when I was older. I started with a friend but he ended up hurting me, so much I have trust issues I gave up after we stopped being friends, I can’t open up to people because I know once I truly start liking them and trusting them they will leave me and the only one to blame is myself. I started now after 6 years I finally started putting so much effort in but I realized I made the worst decision of my life I’m so lost I said I’d drop out of school and now I don’t want to but I have to because my grades I’ll have no where to work sitting here realizing I failed.. I failed at even trying to do my dream I’m so depressed i sleep the whole day some days I don’t even wanna get up out of bed some days I don’t even wanna wake up. Living my whole life knowing I failed I try I try so hard to be happy i just can’t I was made fun of so much hurt by so many people after years of trust most of it started in 7th grade I was always made fun of for anything I did to the point I started c*tting in fifth grade people would call me a t-Rex. I made a friend on here in 2018 and that was my only friend I had in years then he got a job in 2020ish and ignored my text telling me that I was annoying when I texted him wanting to play a video game and when ever we talked he made fun of my voice, then after that we did Skype I was always afraid to show my face but he convinced me to then the next day was the day he said I was annoying, my other friend I had for 10 years from online ignored me and she never said why


I’m afraid of people growing up and changing I have never changed I’m still me I still play games. Now I sit in my room wondering when all the pain will finally be gone when will I be happy and not always think about the pass  wondering when I’ll break I feel like I running out of time I’m rethinking everything why didn’t my parents say Youtube wasn’t a real job they should of told me then! Some times I can’t even go in public because I have panic attacks and When having them I always remember all my old friends and how they promised they’d never leave,Now it’s too late I’m so lost but I’m so sad I didn’t do what I wanted for 10 years and now I’m lost I just wish I wouldn’t wake up.


Sorry I haven’t updated story I will soon :(
          I’m so... lost ever since I was little I’d I wanted to be a YouTuber, I thought I had my whole life set I didn’t even have school yet.. when I started I was made fun of I was hurt easily I was so little then I gave up I said I’d do it when I was older. I started with a friend but he ended up hurting me, so much I have trust issues I gave up after we stopped being friends, I can’t open up to people because I know once I truly start liking them and trusting them they will leave me and the only one to blame is myself. I started now after 6 years I finally started putting so much effort in but I realized I made the worst decision of my life I’m so lost I said I’d drop out of school and now I don’t want to but I have to because my grades I’ll have no where to work sitting here realizing I failed.. I failed at even trying to do my dream I’m so depressed i sleep the whole day some days I don’t even wanna get up out of bed some days I don’t even wanna wake up. Living my whole life knowing I failed I try I try so hard to be happy i just can’t I was made fun of so much hurt by so many people after years of trust most of it started in 7th grade I was always made fun of for anything I did to the point I started c*tting in fifth grade people would call me a t-Rex. I made a friend on here in 2018 and that was my only friend I had in years then he got a job in 2020ish and ignored my text telling me that I was annoying when I texted him wanting to play a video game and when ever we talked he made fun of my voice, then after that we did Skype I was always afraid to show my face but he convinced me to then the next day was the day he said I was annoying, my other friend I had for 10 years from online ignored me and she never said why


I’m afraid of people growing up and changing I have never changed I’m still me I still play games. Now I sit in my room wondering when all the pain will finally be gone when will I be happy and not always think about the pass  wondering when I’ll break I feel like I running out of time I’m rethinking everything why didn’t my parents say Youtube wasn’t a real job they should of told me then! Some times I can’t even go in public because I have panic attacks and When having them I always remember all my old friends and how they promised they’d never leave,Now it’s too late I’m so lost but I’m so sad I didn’t do what I wanted for 10 years and now I’m lost I just wish I wouldn’t wake up.