Hello lovelies.
Another little snippet of Saffron action! This time Dan's back! (Hence the title).
Just wanted to say quickly that i apologise if there are any typos, I'm still getting used to the new laptop and I know that sounds lame but it's hard training your fingers to tap somewhere else after being so used to where the keys were before!
Also, because I started off writing this for me as something to do, I'm aware that it's very rambly and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I do have plans on where to take it but it will take time, I'm sorry!! I just wondered if anyone minded my style of writing? I would love to share this with more people so want to make sure it appeals to an audience rather than just myself.
If i could get any likes/comments and feedback/shares to spread the word it would be much appreciated. That's about as much selfless promo as I'm comfortable with so I will leave you now in hope that your wednesday has been good to you :)
As always,
DiamondTrees x