
Thank you for voting so much i hope you enhoy the books
          Lots of love


Your welcome, I’m in a situation where I’ve take time away from mine


I have read some of yours and they are great thank for understanding about my break on my books


Your welcome! I saw that you had called before I decided to follow you, so I assumed you have read some of my books as well. I understand how sometimes it gets to hard to write when your life is such chaos. I hope things get better for you @demonhunter2000


thank you for reading and voting on my book!
          the support is very much appreciated and i hope you are enjoying it. 


i'll definitely check it out as soon as i can! 
            i'm glad you like my book. 
            you should always continue your book; if not publicly, then privately. write until you're sure the story is over but never give up on it unless it gives up on you. 


Oh your welcome! I'd love if you could try mine out, I've been working on a riddle one but I'm not sure if I should continue or not... You should let me know! By the way I ADORE your book!!!


Oh I love it! Sorry I haven't been liking! I stopped reading because I was out of my Doctor Who faze, right now I'm in a Tom Riddle faze. My readying goes my fazes on here, so soon I should be joint you in the words of Doctor Who once I got the mood for adventure and not as much gloom