𝐅reedom. An intense word if you ask me. 
for some people is freedom to find what they have always been looking for. if you've never felt it, you won't understand.

for me, freedom is escaping reality. I can't change reality, I can't stop her from doing what she always does. hurt. there is a reason why people suppress their problems, hide them and do everything to keep the fake smile upright. And just so people believe you're fine. nobody is who they appear to be. it is the reality that takes away our dreams and deepest desires. I do not like her. really not. she is my biggest enemy. so i run. far far away. just to avoid meeting her. stick my nose in books and listen to the same song for hours.

Maybe she's not bad. Maybe she doesn't mean to be bad. like all of us. but she can't do anything. she's bad, no matter how hard she tries not to be.

freedom is to feel free even in the prison of reality.

when someone says life is easy, he has never lived the life that i and many others out there are living right now. But that's ok. he will know. sometime. somehow. somewhere. reality will catch up with him. no matter how far or fast he runs. she did the same to me.

freedom means to turn your back on reality. but one day she will find us all!
Maybe, just maybe one day i can say i won the battle of reality. but until then...

I disappear between the lines of my fantasy.
  • BergabungDecember 19, 2021

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