
Hey, just want to say something real quick.... you may not watch or even know of Markiplier, but right now he's running a charity fundraiser for St Judes. If you're able to, PLEASE donate! http://www.gofundme.com/markicharity


Hey, are you Pink/Azul from DC? (I hope you don't get mad at me for calling you that because it was so long ago xD)
          I'm Taylor and you may remember me by Tay on DC. I went on DC yesterday to check up and see how it is after not being on it full-time for like 2-3 years and I only remembered your profile so I went to see how you were doing since it's been so long. I'm older and more mature now so I was wondering if you wanted to become friends again and we can remake our friendship I guess cx 
          Thanks,    Tay.


Okay, I have reached my limit. I am going to speak, and I don't give a damn it offends you.
          We're all in the wrong. So many people die because of greed. So many innocent people die because the person who's supposed to care for their people want what they shouldn't have.
          I hate to call myself American. Because I shouldn't have to. I shouldn't have to live with a label that shouldn't exist. We shouldn't have counties dividing us all.
          We're all human. And that's what matters. Not how rich you are, or how big your land is. You're no better than someone who works at McDonald's, or those we idolize. We're all human. So why do we do this?
          It shouldn't matter if I'm a woman or a man. It shouldn't matter if they are woman or man. It shouldn't matter if I have pale skin. It shouldn't matter that they have different skin colors. It shouldn't matter what my sexual orientation is. It shouldn't matter what theirs are.
          I don't want to see my sisters die because of your damned religion. I don't want to see men die because you wanted more than what you had.
          How many have to perish before you realize that YOU'RE WRONG. Tell me. Do you intend to let the innocent die because of your mistakes?
          This is so stupid, and I shouldn't have to say this. But I have to. So make your choice. Are you so selfish that you're no longer human?


I just deleted one of my works on Archiveofourown by accident... and it was not only MY favorite, but many others as well... I HAD ABOUT TWELVE KUDOSES, PEOPLE.
          And I just accidentally got rid of it and I can't get it back because of my computer... DEAR GOD, WHY DID I DELETE IT FROM WATTPAD AND FANFICTIONDOTNET?


Okay, people. I do not care if you threaten me. I have a right given to me by America's founding fathers to speak freely. And that's what I'm going to do now.
          I do not care if someone has the wrong idea. You have no right to turn on a human being and threaten them for speaking their mind. Yes, I may call them d***less, but that's an insult -- not a threat. You should know when I threaten somebody that I don't actually intend on carrying it out. I generally only do that in a joking matter to my friends or family, and they know I will never lay a hand on them with intent to harm, unless they're serial killers. Then, not so much.
          But back to the topic on hand. I will not state what started this rant, but OH MY GOD, PEOPLE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
          I do not joke when I say I read everything. Which means if I find out that you're threatening someone, regardless of reason, I will not hesitate to speak up. To sit idly by is dishonorable, dispassionate, and as bad as threatening the person themself. So never, and I mean NEVER sit down and stay idle when someone's being threatened and you can do something about it.


Okay, people. Let me teach you something here. So today, I was playing a game called "Style Me Girl" and one of the levels was called "Ethnic" and they used it in referral to Japan. Ethnic does not mean Japanese in any way. Ethnic (Ethnicity) is a way to refer to a culture/race. Such as "Irish Ethnicity" or "Caucasian Ethnicity". It's not specifically ANYTHING, it needs something else to make it mean anything. Otherwise you're using that word wrong and you're gonna p*** off some people.
          Another level is Army. Now, their definition of that level is military chick. Yet the background is a U.S AIR FORCE base with a C1-30. So, I was thinking they wanted an air force uniform, which I know what it looks like coming from a family with half of my relatives being former or current Air Force personnel. But no. There was no uniform. So I thought "Maybe army?" No army uniform either, and I also know what those look like. "Marine?" Nada. "NAVY?!?" Nope.  So I'm wondering what the f*** they want. Still don't know, but you guys, if you're going to use a real life organization, place, or word... make sure you know what you're doing. Especially when it concerns real life Government bodies. -_-


WHERE HAS THE STATUS BUTTON GONE? ... Seriously, where? I need to get my daily miniranting! Sigh...
          Anyways, please tell me you guys are NOT going to use the "Cisgender" label... If you haven't heard, it's what people are using to call people who AREN'T Transsexual. Seriously, what the fudgesicle. We aren't scientists or psychiatrists. We don't need to label everything/everyone. It's uncompassionate and dehumanizing. Gay meant happiness. Now, it's an insult.  We don't need to label anyone. I have to identify as bisexual when I don't want to because I have to or else I'll be label as something else. Do you want to know what I really am? Somebody who believes in gender equality and that it doesn't matter. Woman or man, what matters is the brain inside. How kind, amazing, and compatible they are with who you are. All the labels, they make life more difficult than it needs to be. It's hurtful, and what rubs salt in the wounds is that it's compete an utter B.S. At the end of the day, what will this have done to our people? Ruin relationships, ruin friendships, ruin family, and just cause chaos and pain. I'm sorry, but your precious Bible or such isn't a good enough excuse to be a total douche to people who are different than what you are. If this is where American society is headed, then I don't want to be a part of it. #stopthelabels