
@Sue_94 : They have good storys. 


Hey there! 
          If you've got some extra, bored, time; I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto ri es and comment on it! (voti ng , f anning, and whatever ar e a ll o ptional, its the revi ews I nee d!) I'd love to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig ht annoy you, but anything i s greatly appreciated! Thanks f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra ns pl ant to Manhattan, obsess ive to p student who actually pro cras tinates everything, and b ound of Ivy; future care erist and c urrent fortune tel ler. U ntil-- that is--she fin ds out everyth ing she aced is more o r less a ben trevato-- so good bye model student and strivin g socialit e--and hell o demons layer/alche mist and automatic industry ty coon--t hat is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elves. Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savvy mega­corpo rati ons, of underworld crimin al ru le, resistance in this m obocra cy is futile wh en your King ca n be your dish washer i n one da y. Intergala ctic best seller an d future O ligarch, K ronos fød t av Mø rke’skala soon finds out ho w his fickl e world migh t cha nge--with his help too. 
          P.S. I know you get a lot of these, but I'll say it; I really don't think my main characters are Mary Sues & Gary Stus, they aren't gorgeous, extremely talented, maybe have one talent, but that's it. My stories also are not centered around one cliche relationship between two gorgeous people or whatever, and I really hope you can try comment! 
          Thank you for the time!


Hello, sorry if these messages annoy you but could you please read my story ‘’heart shaped scratch’’
          Comment? /?
          Vote or even fan?!!!!
          The grammar kinda sucks tho.... just to warn you lol
          In return i will read any of your work you ask me to 
          Thanks nicolle1496 xx


          i was just wondering if u could take a look at my new story, Harewood crescent? it's about this girl who loves music and she goes on this music trip and falls in love with a guy called steve.But when tradgedy strikes she doesnt know if she really can fall in love with angel.... 
          so pleaz vote...comment? maybe become a fan??? 
          its only the first seven chapters bt all my friends love it and say its really good. 
          i know these can get annoying bt its the only way i can get peeps to read it. These things dont stay on the whats new page for any long. thanks, Amy (: 


Heyy Ash!! I know these things are super mega annoying, but I just wanted to ask if you could check out my stories. Or just one of them ^^
          I jst started a new story called 'Guardian Angel + Me = NOT good' and i wuld really appreciate some constructive critism. Votes & Comments would help xD 
          Or ..
          You can just read one of the other ones, whichever one catches you're attention :) 
          You don't have to if you dnt want, but i wuld really appreciate it! :)
          Thnx in advance!


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­se are super ann­oy­in­g,­ a­nd­ I­'m­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­ Reality Show.. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­ng you could tak­e ­a ­lo­ok­ a­t ­an­d ­give­ my ­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­these get annoying!