
Actually, I won't write guys, sorry, it's just that I write about myself, but since I stopped I didn't ever want to write, I don't know why but I won't do it guys, I'm sorry 


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Oh my holy fucking Jesus. 
          I guess I'm back....I don't know if I'll write a story guys cause a lot of stuff is happening lately and I have no idea what to write about XP 
          So, if anyone thinks I should continue please comment here ^^


Hey guys, I know I haven't done anything on two weeks and you all want me to update, but there is a confession I need to make. 
          In my past life I've never had any real friends, I've never had someone to get help from when I was in a bad situation, all the people I talked to were my school friends. None of them were ever my real friends. 
          But the past two weeks made me the happiest person in the world, I've met you guys: King of the Boops, Foxwolffalco and Owenmoz10 you guys made me realise what friendship is, because of you guys I can now feel love.  I won't ever be able to repay you for what you've for me!  You guys are the closest people to me, and I'm so grateful for that!  
          I love you guys, with all of my heart. 


I think I'll write a chapter today, but I need help. What do you guys think about me uploading twice a week, should I do more cause I think I can upload four times a week but it might ruin the story, Let me know what you guys think! 


@treytiger828 Thank you :3 That's exactly what I think when you write to much it gets really forced and lame. I'll definitely stock with a slow plan! 


@Dikkbaguette Take your time, no need to rush. If you can't write as much as you normally could, then don't. Best to maintain the quality of the story than ruining it. I'm sure everyone can wait for your next update. Besides, a little bit slow might be a good thing too for everyone. By the way, even if I personally didn't know you well, happy belated birthday! Hope everything went well coming out to your parents. Not many people have such envious courage to do so.