
"So something that I said that you said sounded like what I said that still sounded like Christmas when he got it" - Matthias 2k16


@pinkcamo226 Duuuude!! Yes it is! I sometimes watch him, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye on my free time now x3 I love their challenge videos and I really wish they would put out more whisper challenge episodes...


Are...you still here? It's gotten boring and you were a friend that I most talked to...Dilumi, you here?


. . . I have given up.


Please respond. Im worried. @DilumiStories


@DilumiStories ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE?!?


Thnx for the vote, it means a lot to me  ( ^ω^)


@DilumiStories True, Vicetone never disappoints 


@Firestar_Prime Of course dude!! I love Nevada and I can feel that there's a pretty impactful atmosphere in it that's going to make it one of the biggest songs on 028 for me. Vicetone almost never disappoints me


"So something that I said that you said sounded like what I said that still sounded like Christmas when he got it" - Matthias 2k16


@pinkcamo226 Duuuude!! Yes it is! I sometimes watch him, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye on my free time now x3 I love their challenge videos and I really wish they would put out more whisper challenge episodes...


I'm tired of the people who claim to be my friends bringing me back to my past. Fortunately it doesn't happen often anymore, bad feelings are gone, I'm a new person, I'm moving on. And this should start going a lot smoother since I know exactly what my hurt feels like and I know how much more quickly I need to let go of whatever and whoever is causing it. I'm so excited to be starting fresh, to be new, to be alive. Thanks #Monstercat027 for helping me break away. <3 <3


In all honesty, I don't really care who gets elected as long as it's not some racist jerk who would boot someone out of my country just for being a Muslim. Okay, I get that Islam is not a peaceful religion at all, but that doesn't mean every Muslim is a freaking psychotic terrorist. To me, if change like this happened, it would say a LOT about where religious freedom, and freedom in general, is headed in the USA. Take it or leave it, those are my thoughts (and also the biggest reason I despise Trump so much).