
this message may be offensive
Ive been gone a whileee shit hit the fan too. I cut my mother off, this bìtch i slept with wont leave me alone like bro youd think anyone would take the hint being left on delivered for weeks (i felt like i had to sleep with her because she just gave me no space, was all over me, and was constantly egging me into it), my phone got robbed while I was clubbing, i nearly got arrested twice, AND I nearly gutted my mothers boyfriend. Shit us wild, im like living in the jungle rn bitch


DAYUM well I’m glad your okayyy


this message may be offensive
Ive been gone a whileee shit hit the fan too. I cut my mother off, this bìtch i slept with wont leave me alone like bro youd think anyone would take the hint being left on delivered for weeks (i felt like i had to sleep with her because she just gave me no space, was all over me, and was constantly egging me into it), my phone got robbed while I was clubbing, i nearly got arrested twice, AND I nearly gutted my mothers boyfriend. Shit us wild, im like living in the jungle rn bitch


DAYUM well I’m glad your okayyy


If you dont cook bacon by frying it in a pan, I physically and mentally can not trust you. At all. 


@CJFlynn123 yeah microwaved bacon is why I made this post LMAO 


@CJFlynn123 if you microwave bacon, your a psychopath 


@DinahsEyebrows  the only thing I'm not getting behind is microwaved, it's like microwaving a chicken 


I get the whole inclusivity thing but some Marvel fans really need to chill out. God forbid Yelena gets a girlfriend, "sHeS ArOAcE!!!! THe CoMiCs!!!" She's asexual in the comics, she was never confirmed aro nor shown to be aro in the comics. She had relationships.


@Chivkennuggs so aroace (aromantic asexuals) are people who experience no romantic and no sexual attraction towards a person. Asexual is someone who just doesn't experience sexual attraction, but CAN experience romantic attraction.


Ima sound dumb but what is aro and asexual??


Its about time I put myself out of my misery, but how will I smoke weed if I'm dead? Exactly. You just wait till I cant afford weed though LMAO


How can you have misery when I’m in your life boo 


Nothing had me shocked quite like what the Americans charge you for a book. We're talking $40-$100. Here in England, you could buy the whole trilogy with that money LMAO. I was buying a book off of amazon without realising I was on the American website, $70.. $100 with overseas tax. Quickly switched to the UK website, and the book was £13, panic avoided.


@Chivkennuggs I live in England, but jot London aesthetic England, I live in council estate run down place trashed by gangs and crackheads type England lmfao


You’re right the books are so high here for no absolute reason but wait you live in England?? That’s cool asf


Why has no one made a camren yandere trope yet. Id kill ( ;) ) to see Lauren all jealous and just killing bitches on the d low who try get with her secret crush Camila until it becomes obsessive and dark. We love a good dark romance


@DinahsEyebrows I gotchu js gimme some suggestions to add in it and I’ll start making a chapter asap


@Chivkennuggs dooooooo id be so down to read it


@DinahsEyebrows I’m lwk thinking abt making one ngl 


I've had 2 coins on my Wattpad account since 2019. I'm richer on Wattpad than I am in real life. 


@Normanis_bae They're to unlock chapters in paid stories


@DinahsEyebrows I gotta question about the coins...what do they do?


Just a note for any of my Palestinian followers and for aby Israel supporters, I stand with Palestine. The UK stands with Palestine, that tory pig Rishi Sunak does not speak for the UK; he can not speak for the UK when he does not care for us as a whole, but only the rich percentage of our citizens. I support Palestine. I do not support genocide and war crimes. If you are a supporter of the Israeli government, feel free to unfollow me. Better yet, leave a comment, and I'll take great honour in blocking you myself. Bombing a hospital and an ambulance convoy is not self-defense. That is a war crime. Taking more than a million Palestinians from their home for ethnic cleansing is not self-defense. That is a crime against humanity. Cutting off the internet, services, and water and electricity supply is not self-defense. That is a crime against humanity. Telling Palestinians to travel south for ensured safety and then killing them on their way there is not self-defense. That is murder. Slaughtering children with artillery is not self-defense. That is murder. Bombing the Gaza Strip where 50% of the population is made up of children is not self-defense. That is murder. 
          Israeli political leader Rabbi Meir Mazuz said: "If we were dealing with humans, we'd send humanitarian aid, but we're dealing with animals." In supporting Israel, you are supporting genocide. I'd like for some of you who have younger siblings or family members (1-17yrs old) to imagine yourself carrying whats left of their bodies in a small store-bought-type carrier bag. I want you to imagine yours or a family members newborn baby taken so soon after being flattened with the hospital that the Israeli government decided to bomb. Israeli government does not care and, through admission, has purposely committed these war crimes. I do not support war criminals and genocide.
          Free Palestine.


@DinahsEyebrows One day atleast in our generation 