
Ok here are a list of stories and or poetry  I will post that are in the making/completed that im willing to commit and post hopefully more then being on a hiatus:
          	If The Stars Aligned: Completed
          	The MCOWBlog Playlist: Completed
          	Shut Up and Drive: In Progress
          	Paperback Writers: In Progress
          	Sincerely, Song: In Progress
          	Fablebound: In Progress
          	Stargazers Android: In Progress
          	 #whoiscinderella: In Progress


@marvelgirl_10 ya!! Can’t wait to share with the world  


@DinoNinjaReader101 OOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so excited!!!


Ok here are a list of stories and or poetry  I will post that are in the making/completed that im willing to commit and post hopefully more then being on a hiatus:
          If The Stars Aligned: Completed
          The MCOWBlog Playlist: Completed
          Shut Up and Drive: In Progress
          Paperback Writers: In Progress
          Sincerely, Song: In Progress
          Fablebound: In Progress
          Stargazers Android: In Progress
           #whoiscinderella: In Progress


@marvelgirl_10 ya!! Can’t wait to share with the world  


@DinoNinjaReader101 OOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so excited!!!


Sorry for again not posting as often but it’s officially summer for me but I am currently on vacation with my family so I won’t be posting much but I’m going to try and get things posted again. 


@marvelgirl_10 thank you so much!! I have loads plan as all I need to do is plan it out : )


@DinoNinjaReader101 Take your time!! I'm excited to read anything you write! Have fun on vacation!


So proud of you @marvelgirl_10 for reaching 1K followers!! You are such a joy and inspiration to read and chat with when we can, thank you so much for everything from your opinions to reactions as they help me be better writer within. So once again Congratulations!! 


@marvelgirl_10 no problem!! And thank you back : )


@DinoNinjaReader101 Awww thank you!! I really appreciate you!! <3


Happy Early Holidays Everyone! Sorry for so much and I mean very much inactive here on my profile as I’m finally off finals and able to breathe and focus on more stories. Plus another project coming soon, once I get it all figured out I’ll share my news.


Hello! It’s been awhile yet again with the same words, but I do want to say I am writing still and creating new stories and all and even having a friend helping me edit If The Stars Aligned, but I just wanted say if you want to see new and upcoming stories check out my instagram page where I post reels of new stories. Instagram: dinoninjareader101.wp,  as promised things are coming just very slow as school has been loaded with work. But I’ll be sure to post when I can. 


Hey everyone! I want to say that I am very sorry that I am so inactive and very late to update all my stories. School, summer, writers block, and all of that has gotten me completely distracted as I am trying so hard to communicate my work and share it with the world. But I promise you everything is written ish and I’m just trying to find my time to publish it. Again I’m very sorry.