
@Mythception  Hahaha! Now that a good one XD oh and the original TMNT movie you can see a whole lot of puppeterring that wasn't supposed to be on film like extra mouths in their mouths or hands holding down their feet and a whole bunch of accidental catches lol


Lol sweet and ikr my favourite I think is probably the mokele mbembe it's a cryptic in the amazon or the congos of the jungle the natives say it's like a dinosaur like creature mostly like a brachiosaurus but it was mostly seen at the river and has been known to attack ppl lol


Lol same here XD lol I've been obsessed with prehistory and dinosaurs ever since I was like 5 or 3 XD and ever since then it's been my dream to one day become a palaeontologist or a professor of prehistory or something like that lol also I just find it the most amazing that ppl are finding more an more species of the past it's just great to think about lol oh and I love prehistory and legends, myths, or monsters lol