
Wattpad logged me out for some reason, and almost didn't accept my email again. 
          	Ooh, little dicey ngl had me nervous I woulda got locked out from writing for you guys


@DioMcBrando Happened multiple times for me, don't know why so I just deal with it.


Wattpad logged me out for some reason, and almost didn't accept my email again. 
          Ooh, little dicey ngl had me nervous I woulda got locked out from writing for you guys


@DioMcBrando Happened multiple times for me, don't know why so I just deal with it.


Hey. I realize rooster teeth is out of business. And, I decided that I was gonna finish Rwby since we most likely won't get another volume. 
          So I finished Binge watching all of Volume 8 last night. And I'm gonna hopefully find a way to Watch 9. 
          In the future, do you guys think you'd want me to try another RWBY book for you? I know Ruby Rose is discontinued. And I don't think my Weiss book is doing very well. 
          But, if I were, to make a new RWBY book. Who would you guys want as the love interest? Just curious. I dunno if I'll do it but-


@AlexanderFics I don't have Crunchyroll so I wouldn't know, but maybe since RT shut down


@ DioMcBrando  wait, did it gon Taken off Crunchyroll?


@DioMcBrando for sure Velvet or Pyrrha 


          I know it's late. At least where I am. Here's an update for you guys. 
          I have been dealing with, something serious. 
          My step father, is being charged with something heavy. I don't wanna get into what it is, because frankly I'd trigger myself. But- basically, due to the event that's been happening, I just have not been able to focus on writing. I can barely play video games because my whole family has been a mess since the charges came to light. 
          So- with that said. I've been spending as much time as I can with him, in the event he gets convicted. But-im trying to keep my head up high, and hope for the best. 
          So, after saying all of that, I want to make another announcement. 
          I'm back. Hopefully for a good while. I've got some notes and made an update schedule to keep myself on task and occupied. Now I can't guarantee the speed and/or consistency in which I will be updating, but I can assure you guys that I will be updating soon. 
          As it stands, the current update schedule is this:
          My Crazy Fantasy, as it was requested by a Follower, I only hope he's still here to read it as I update. 
          Next, Golden Affection. 
          After that, I will update Colossal Relationship. 
          I will be working on Unbreakable Bonds too. I Haven't had time to rewatch part 4 so I can write. But I will-in time, be updating that again. 
          I deeply apologize for the absence. And I greatly appreciate any and all of you guys who are still here. I admit I haven't been the best writer, but I'm glad I've kept you guys entertained thus far. I'll do my best to keep it up until the end. 
          I hope this update, regardless of what time zone you are in, or even what country, makes up for my absence, at least in an informing way. 
          So, that all being said, I am currently working on My Crazy Fantasy, and will update it within the coming days. 
          I hope you guys have a good night/Day. 


All the best feelings for you my friend  you are one of the best writers I’ve had the chance to known, love ya 