
Hello children, I have a very important question for you all. 
          	would you like a sneak peak at the book I have started writing? ;) 
          	(yes it is jojo, yes it is part 3, yes jotaro and kak are involved)


yes  also just read the previous post! I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through and am proud of you for coming this far <3 you are incredibly strong and I know things will work out in the end :D


Hello children, I have a very important question for you all. 
          would you like a sneak peak at the book I have started writing? ;) 
          (yes it is jojo, yes it is part 3, yes jotaro and kak are involved)


yes  also just read the previous post! I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through and am proud of you for coming this far <3 you are incredibly strong and I know things will work out in the end :D


          (CW: loss of life, mental health, just stressful topics in general) 
          so some of you guys may be wondering where ive been and what ive been up to
          the short answer is:
          (CW STARTS HERE)
          the long answer is: 
          ive been struggling with my mental health for this entire year, the only good thing thats really happened for me is the part 6 anime. i also have been diagnosed with a whole new batch of mental issues (that i wont get into here) ive also been dealing with a lot of stressful things, two of my grandparents passed and the first one just made me super unpassionate about everything i was doing, i lost my job, and because of my mental health (plus the job market SUCKS rn) ive not been able to get a new one. ive also been dealing with a lot of stressful situations from my "friends" (dont even get me started...). but remember my bf who i talked a lot about? yeah we are no longer dating as he has become my fiance, so thats cool. 
          (CW ENDS HERE)
          so where do we go from here? 
          im probably going to put my stories that i do have up on an indefinate hiatus until i have the want to completely rewrite them (they were written when i was but a young lad). i probably will start up a new one here pretty soon. i am juggling like three projects by myself rn that have nothing to do with each other. this being one of them. 


i will be keeping the old works up for the time being until i decide that im ready to revamp them, then once the revamp is caught up ill axe em. but we arent even remotely close to that point rn. 
            im also going to post my unfinished, unedited drafts i had for all of them (if the first one even still has drafts attached??? that guy has not been touched since i was in highschool lol) that way you guys arent totally starved for a while. ill also probably copy and paste this as the last chapter in them as well. 
            this isnt the end for those books, just i cannot force myself to work on them for the time being. 
            feel free ro leave any ideas for stories you want to see brought to life by yours truly, and maybe just maybe ill make it happen ;) 
            anyways, thank you all so much for your support of the years. its still kinda crazy to me that i have 700 followers here still. i know a lot of you guys probably arent active anymore, but honestly, it doesnt matter to me. you will always be one of my kiddins. 
            stay safe, be well, and remember, dad loves you. 


me, casually rereading some of my work so i can update it ;) 


kinda taking it in a whole other direction that i originally had planned, but dw still keeping the base idea and plot BUT im implementing a whole new idea ;)))


lord dio i married your son


            tell him im disowning him 