
You get an action/ thriller book with my signature comedy sprinkled ontop.


Been a long time since I've been on Wattpad . That's not all my fault as my phone which had Wattpad on it went caput. What have I been doing you may ask. Cooking,prepping for school prepping for Christmas. In between there I had a rough patch when a friend passed. 
          I've given a lot of thought to my stories and I can assure you that FOL will be continued and a new fresh book with an action packed storyline (with a few quips and quirky comments of coarse) will be posted soon. Until then I wish all my followers and readers a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah and a Prosperous 2017.
          Until then,
                             Stay Merry


What's on my mind? Exams are upon us people's. I have 7 exams remaining and its stressful. Been writing but by bit and just posted FOL. AF may be taken down because I've seriously lost track of the story line. If anything you guys can message me your opinion on what I should do...
          Otherwise it's coming down. In the meanwhile I'll be revising and figuring out what to do with my life. Until then.... Stay Hopeful


Heyy guys, if you haven't seen FOL go read it cuz I just posted a new chapter!  Um for those people who don't read FOL then this is for you. I will be posting FOL and Aiden frost every two months or maybe sooner. I haven't been staying true to my first promise of posting every month so I wanna change that . School is mental so I'm planning everything now to suit my events. And I wanna say Merry Christmas  and a happy new year to all of y'all who do or don't read my books. 
          Love you guys ;), Byi 


Oh my gosh school is soil stress full and I'm not even 10 weeks in yet! I'm here holding on. I wanna know about my readers where your from and how did you find my story! You can answer that in the next installation of drum roll please.... Aiden Frost. I know I know where is FOL, apparently the plot is hotting spicy but is not yet complete :( but it'll be out soon. Next time people when the work is easier and life a little better ...


Hey guys! Wassupppp?! I just went back into school and its hell. The work load is huge. So I'm now very stressed and I'm stress eating ;). Anyway I think I won't be posting too often now cuz depression, stress and writing fun romantic books don't really mix. Til I stop stress eating...


Hey peeps, one of my books Aiden frost will be unpublished, but it will be republished after I have made some changes to the story line. I'm doing this because I had too many ideas and they were preventing me from making any advances in the story it self. I'm going to get a storyline that I can Sybil with and follow though and you can ultimately love. Not sure when it will be republished but I can assure the result will be awesometastic! 
          Ps I know I've been kind of delinquent on FOL but I've been enjoying my 9 weeks of vacation! Who wouldn't?!?!