Just wanted to pop in and say yes, I am alive and I do intend to get back to answering comments shortly! I have been afflicted with what I like to call the "AO3 Author's Note Curse" in which a number of significant events that take up a lot of mental space happened to me in the last few months. So most of my spare energy has gone to making sure chapters get written and posted on schedule lol! (one of those significant events being two not-even-six-month-old kittens that keep trying to walk on my keyboard every time I sit down to write XD Including right now. (Everyone say hi to Mulder and Scully.)) So everyone raise a glass (teacup?) to getting things back to normal soon.

@chalupa_tyler They are VERY sweet and very mischievous little criminals lol. They need a lot of attention haha. I actually almost named them Henry and Eleanor! I had quite a long list of names but those were in the top 3. Mulder and Scully just seemed to be the right fit though lol.