
I have officially typed "the end" on the last page of my primary First Impressions document. I don't know if I'm going to throw up or cry or just shake for a while. The next step is working on The Ghosts of Northanger Hall and starting the edits to make First Impressions appropriately polished for Kindle publication.


@chalupa_tyler That's the ONLY thing I've been saying all day omg.


I have officially typed "the end" on the last page of my primary First Impressions document. I don't know if I'm going to throw up or cry or just shake for a while. The next step is working on The Ghosts of Northanger Hall and starting the edits to make First Impressions appropriately polished for Kindle publication.


@chalupa_tyler That's the ONLY thing I've been saying all day omg.


Hello, dear readers! This is the official announcement that my next project will be.... The Ghosts of Northanger Hall, a Northanger Abbey retelling. More information will be forthcoming - but I figured since I have a cover now, I might as well start talking and posting about it! 
          Right now, my loose publication date is beginning in October (appropriately) but we'll see how it goes with writing this summer!


@chalupa_tyler Of course. It is one of my most sacred duties 


Gotta get that Henry Tilney wit just right lol


@chalupa_tyler I'm so glad! I have a lot of big ideas for this story. Currently doing an annotation of NA so I can get the characters just right. I didn't feel like I had to for P&P because of my at-least-yearly re-reads lol, but I've definitely read NA fewer times.


I feel like I'm always joking about how "haha might not get the chapter done this week!" but I'm actually not sure about it this week 
          This is one I've been hyping myself up for for a while AND I'm having an anxiety flare so sitting down to write isn't going too hot. Will still try my best to power through!


Nvm I went to a Japanese cafe to write today and fueled by gyoza and two iced lattes, I pounded out 9 pages in 4 hours.


I chose to delete a scene from chapter 47.2 of First Impressions, but by popular demand, I will be posting it as a unique story! Any further deleted scenes will be posted within the First Impressions Deleted Scenes piece (very clever title, I know). First one goes live tomorrow morning!


@chalupa_tyler Oh noooo how rude of Wattpad lol


I sent a bunch of eye emojis but they didn’t show up uGh


Chapter 47 is just turning out to be such a pain to write, and I really don't know why. I keep deleting and rewriting sentences ugh. I've even resorted to outlining which I NEVER do unless I'm desperate. 
          Thoughts and prayers™️ to get it finished by Friday lmao.


In very exciting for me but unrelated to my writing news, I was just accepted to speak at a bibliography research conference on the archival collection I'm currently working on! Slated for July, which gives me about five months of panic to write up my paper and presentation.


You are such an amazing writer!! i don't understand how your book doesnt have more reads or votes and how you dont have thousands of followers! You are doing a great job with this rendition! Keep going
          YOU GOT THIS!!!


@donalleslah Ahh thank you so much! I appreciate it so much  
            I'm sure taking two years off and not doing much advertising of the story has something to do with it lol. If you know how to up readership, let me know haha.
            But I certainly plan to keep going, and might have a second Austen retelling up my sleeve soon.


HI I'M ACTUALLY BACK NOW. Chapter 41 now published!!! Everything's been crazy. 
          I did actually think I was going to be publishing again when I got back from Europe but actually I purchased a home so that set my schedule off by, uh, several months oop. But ey oh back to writing! Glad to be back.


Um. Hi. Hello. Sorry to say sorry again.... I did not mean to disappear for a year aahhh.... A lot of INSANE things have happened (including breaking up with my girlfriend, my cat passing away, moving out of my apartment, starting working at an LGBT library and archive, working on the alpha draft of my original fiction fantasy novel...) Yeah. 
          But I want to come back! I love this story and I want to finish it! This summer, I will be abroad in Italy to study book preservation and then I will be traveling in the UK, including to Bath where I will be visiting as much Jane Austen history as possible! I really, really hope to be back to writing chapters soon and publishing against once I am back in the United States, likely in July or early August. 
          To everyone who's still here, thank you so, so much for your patience. I hope I can exceed expectations as I near the end of this story.


It’s awesome that you’re back!! I’m excited for what’s next :)


@messisaperson Thank you! Glad to be back.


@DirectorPurry Hi!!! It's great to see you back! It's okay and take as much time as you need :D