
In lockdown | I can leave the house this sucks!   |
          	   I Hope others are safe
          	I hope this thing go away
          	I hope all u ok and safe
          	All of us are living in hell right now
          	I hope to the lord of Haven please get rid of this thing
          	I miss talking with my family
          	—- ur great friends I have on here—-
          	And I hope all of u be safe in ur houses
          	They are sending guards to our homes because some people wanted be outside
          	—- beware of army guards in front of ur homes—
          	— see ya later 


In lockdown | I can leave the house this sucks!   |
             I Hope others are safe
          I hope this thing go away
          I hope all u ok and safe
          All of us are living in hell right now
          I hope to the lord of Haven please get rid of this thing
          I miss talking with my family
          —- ur great friends I have on here—-
          And I hope all of u be safe in ur houses
          They are sending guards to our homes because some people wanted be outside
          —- beware of army guards in front of ur homes—
          — see ya later