"How can a person be so fragile? How can words step on the soul as if it were a heavy blow."
When you finally realize that nothing is permanent in this life, you'll become more tolerant, and more forgiving .
If there’s no way, create one
The one who has the true intention does not cease his spring..
I don't have the desire to write anything this night ... I'll sleep like a bear in cave..
Never let your loyalty make a fool of you.
People who did not suffer are people who did not live.
Always keep the one who chooses you when their moments are
Full of others ... ❤
She was seeking in heaven what the earth refused to offer.
As if they cut your arms off, you can forgive them, but you will never be able to hug them again..
Do not be let down, do not betray, do not lie, and don't twist the arm of someone’s heart, be a great exception, a safe haven, a reassurance in the form of a human being...
That we were robbed of the security we were caring for inside...
Whoever left you during your collapse has no right to return after your prosperity ..
"What I want is the force to carry the things quietly. Things like injustice, bad luck, sadness, mistakes, misunderstanding.".