To all my American readers, which is most of you according to my statistics. I am so sorry for what is happening to you right now, and my heart breaks every time I watch the news. I can’t imagine how scared you must feel. My heart goes out to the women, the queer community, the many minorities and people of colour who fear for their lives and safety. Your stories are not getting censored in Europe. We cry for you, we speak out for you, we demonstrate for you. Please keep going, and we’ll see you on the other side. Sincerely, A swede.

That don't mean nothing to me since I don't live in Texas thankg god for that. I can careless anyway like I said people in other countries need to stay out of our business bc you only get snippets on what's going on not the full picture.

@jrzy79 hope you’ve woken up and dug yourself out of that hole by now. Texas just filed a bill that makes it illegal and punishable by prison time or 10,000$ fine to identify as trans. Happy human rights violation

@Disa_Laring well all u can say is and this is with all respect but people in other countries has no clue how we live in ours. They should stay out of our politics bc they don't live here. If people actually knew what is going on they would understand why the gay community voted for Trump why Amish decided to vote and it's against their beliefs to be involved. If things wasn't bad when Biden was in office we would be fine but we were not and now we are. I'm sorry most people are so brainwashed bc they listen to the media and not open their minds to what is actually happening but that's all I'm saying. Trump is gonna save us now and I feel safer knowing some 200lbs guy pretending to be trans won't be in the public bathroom with me just bc he can and I'm only 4'10 and 90lbs i can't fight for my safety. Now Trump fixed that we feel safer and guess what so does the rest of this country even the trans feel safer. We are all protected.