
I say this like, once a year, but this year is gonna be different.
          	First off, I'm focusing on reading more books and I'm finishing up Mackenzi Lee's Winter Soldier: Cold Front. 
          	Second, I'm going back to writing. At least one shots for now while I plot my faith based Jason Todd fanfic featuring a Blue Lantern OC and diving into redemption. I already have plans, really for my own sake but I might post it to AO3 and possibly here, but I'm going to do a throwback to the older Avenger's fanfics.
          	That's right. Y/n in Avengers tower. Clint loves being in the vents, Natasha will do ballet, Steve will be ever the confused adult supervision, Thor will love pop tarts, and Loki will have random appearances.


I say this like, once a year, but this year is gonna be different.
          First off, I'm focusing on reading more books and I'm finishing up Mackenzi Lee's Winter Soldier: Cold Front. 
          Second, I'm going back to writing. At least one shots for now while I plot my faith based Jason Todd fanfic featuring a Blue Lantern OC and diving into redemption. I already have plans, really for my own sake but I might post it to AO3 and possibly here, but I'm going to do a throwback to the older Avenger's fanfics.
          That's right. Y/n in Avengers tower. Clint loves being in the vents, Natasha will do ballet, Steve will be ever the confused adult supervision, Thor will love pop tarts, and Loki will have random appearances.


Currently fixating on The Outsiders (book, movie, musical) and I'm going to work on character analysis' and headcanons.


@BreanneLHeureux I've loved it for years but my friend dragged me into the fandom again when the musical came out lol.
            I have that book on my TBR! I'm loving Hinton's writing style. I'm halfway done with the Outsider's. As of now, Darry is my favorite


@DiscoCactusWrites I love The Outsiders book and movie! It's so good! Another one I'd recommend is like the spin-off from the same author: 'That was then, this is now' (there's a movie of it too!) that one is also a gem <3


Okay, I am back and going through my fics. I'm working on The Truth Untold and might do something with X-Men and MacGyver


@-SUNNYKAI Will do!!
            Now to think of plot


@DiscoCactusWrites HIII! OOOH DO BOTH!!!




@lixie-berry Thanks, it's just been chaotic


@DiscosWorld oh my gosh, that's a lot... TT I'm so sorry to hear that


@lixie-berry Gurrrl, I'm hanging in there. My aunt died this morning, and there's a bunch of drama going on in my family and at church


I dreamt about I7 + Re:Vale + TRIGGER the other night and for some reason, the summer troupe of A3! was there helping and next thing I know, turns out they did that Avengers musical church thing that that one church did.
          All I saw was Momo as iron Man while Gaku was Loki for some reason.
          Then the hecklers from the Muppets were there and Mitsuki hopped over the orchestra and climbed up to the balcony and body slammed one of them.
          Nagi and Riku were screaming like girls, Yamato booked it and tackled Mitsuki to the ground while Banri called security and I woke up laughing because 707 from Mystic Messenger was blowing a whistle and yelling "OHHH +175 POINTS FOR A HIT TO THE KIDNEY!"


I have a craft fair this weekend, but then I'm going to continue writing The Truth Untold. I need to wrap things up for it and figure out how I want it to end. This fic has been in the works since about 2018-2019.
          It's time I make an OC sheet for Becky, and give her the love and care she needs.


My brain really wants me to write a Mystic Messenger fanfic based on the lyrics, "Someone set us up to play in this secret game! Keep it cool, don't react, trust in your judgement! Did you see the messages I've been sending you? Open your eyes, see the light. Don't fall for any of his party invites"