@duchixx a wild giant dork baby appears!!
haha yessssssssss kim jongin the love of m'life (well, one of them) you're a fellow EXO-L ?(even though that's such a cringy fandom name)
@AbbyKebaby haha no, I just finished my GCSEs actually so I still have two more years until college haha. I'm not even emotionally ready to go back to school on Tuesday let alone the thought of college in two years -- I might die haha. And NO you're not a creep haha you can pop up anytime lmao
@AbbyKebaby Omg thank goodness, I felt like such a creep just coming out of nowhere :D Same here! I've recently started updating again but probably won't for a year or something xP Are you starting college now?
@AbbyKebaby OFC I REMEMBER YOU i remember everyone ehe. I'VE BEEN GOOD! V unmotivated to do literally anything other than lie in bed haha but other than that I've been good!! What about yourself?
fun fact I started writing using the wrong names bc there's a secondary bg idea in the back of my head and my brain is so focused on exam results in three days i'm confused about everything !! gr9 stuff. this is a rly hard chapter to write i'm sorry !! also no one reads these but i feel better if i write apologies anyway