
Sorry I haven't updated either one my story's, I've been extremely busy. I'm hoping to update soon


I am so sorry that I have not updated neither one of my stories. For those of you who don't know I'm in college and I have finals this week. I have been having basically a bunch of homework for the last couple of weeks. Also I just got a part time job and that is also a factor. Once I'm finished with finals I will get back to writing. 
          Please wish me luck on my finals and hopefully I do good. Also good luck to those who are in school and on their finals.


I finally saw Fast and the Furious 7 last night, it was really good. the ending had me crying, if you haven't gone to go see it you really should. 
          Some time today I will be putting Chapter 10 of A Little Bit Stronger up, I just need to fix a few things here and there on  it.