Time for my rant about having a semi-mentally abusive fam(mostly dad and eldest brother)
3. Overly aggressive when doing something they don’t like
(I think my dad yelled at me then my mom once for this reason)
Not really listening to reason or the argument of the child(me)
4. Only giving love when doing good/something they would like
5. Distant until the child(me) causes them trouble
8. Threatening to the child(me)
I still flinch when people try to touch me in certain places like
(The head, back, shoulder, arm)
I’m always scared that person’s going to hit me
This happened with my eldest brother
He just laughed and said “why are you crying?”
And when I’m actually crying my family’s like
My sister says,“oh you haven’t felt the pain of being an adult”
My eldest brother just says,“don’t cry it’s okay” even if he’s the reason
My other older brother just laughs awkwardly and leaves
My mom hasn’t seen me cry before
And my dad just walks away
As a Mexican it’s kinda normalized to be hit
I just wonder if I’m overreacting