
Worked my butt off on my newest chapter but I honestly don't feel like it shows. 
          	Oh well, I tried.


@DistantDreams I just started reading but I'm here to tell you it really does show. but I'll rant about it in the comments of the chapter and not here


Hey guys! Claire here with a Monday Reminder for those discouraged authors.
          Just because your book has 20 reads or 120 reads or isn't super popular on here, doesn't mean it sucks. It's easy to think "If I were good, I'd be Wattpad famous", but getting your book out there is difficult. 
          Some of the best books I've 
           read on here have less than 1k. Some of the more clichéd and unoriginal ones I've read have 500 million. 
          Publicity and popularity are NOT the ultimate measures of quality. 
          My book, The World Through Various Eyes, has 8.5k. My newest project, Borderline Psychotic, has 63 reads. 
          Borderline is MUCH more well written in my opinion, but because it's fairly new, it doesn't have many views at all. 
          Just keep this in mind, friends! 
          Keep your head up, and your pencil sharp. :D


Camp NaNoWriMo is almost upon us! 
          Do you have YOUR cabin? 
          I'm honestly so excited for this month because my newest project, Borderline Psychotic, will be finished by the end of it. 
          This year is a year of firsts for me. The first first (hehe) is my participation in Camp NaNoWriMo itself. The second first is... drum roll please.... 
          I'll be entering the Watty's!! 
          (Well that was  anti-climactic!) 
          But that's right! Borderline Psychotic will be entered in the Watty's. 
          Best of luck to you all participating in both!! :D


@DistantDreams Good luck in the Wattys!!!