
Posting new chapters here again, gearing up to start posting chapters 90-120 on my website soon


Do you plan on continuing bound in spirals?


@OsirisXv Sorry, never saw this until now. I do plan to at some point but its not going to be in the near future. I have a lot of residual ideas for the story I planned out for book 2 while writing book 1 and new ones since finishing it but The Day My Dream Died became a more pressing story to tell and I couldn't delay it. If you have any looming questions though feel free to message me and I'll answer since it's likely to be a while still until I return to it in full.


I’ll update TDMDD soon, if anyone cares. I’m just trying to figure out if I should just drop everything in one batch instead of this trickle feeding but doing that will take some more prep in the meantime. I’ll throw some fresh art into the chapters of tdmdd for you to peruse if you want.


New chapters!  Some of the weirdest chapters yet! Please bear with me, it probably won't ever  make more sense but you'll come to forgive me for not explaining everything, I promise. I love you all and I hope you find something to love in my life's work. Thank you for the time you've given me, I will always endeavor to reward time spent.


Hello readers and writers and the secret in-betweeners I have accidentally unleashed some more chapters of this rabid story, please watch out for pages dribbling saliva. Please leave a comment if you like it or something, I would appreciate it. Or tell someone about it if you feel like that's a better idea.


Is it bad that I feel like the GOAT sometimes? I get really excited about the stories I have to tell and I feel the greatest. Recently I've been excited about the parts I'm not telling. I like having secrets within stories. Anyway, I don't actually THINK I'm the GOAT, I just feel like it sometimes. Feels good. Feels like I'm making art worth experiencing. I have so many thoughts about it, a day-long conversation couldn't contain it all. Art is so amazing. I'd be dead without it! Anyway, enjoy the new chapters. I think you can probably feel some of the accumulated tension by now. Hope you stick with me to the end. I will always seek to reward dedication with dedication. Reward support with support. Thank you for reading.


Good spleen, my friends! I have shared some new chapters from The Day My Dream Died. I encourage you to read it, or begin to, it is a journey I think is worth being on. But no need to force yourself, I write this to be timeless. There is no need to rush, it will be here when you're ready. Thank you for reading.