
Super silly dr.k time 


can you do a crossover between changed and Kamen rider where the pale virus also creates kaijin like monsters and colin has access to a latex beast based rider system that allows him to fight those monsters while keeping his humanity?


Hello distressed die you rename the one in the same server? It's me mark the food I just joined your latest link and my other discord account isn't available so I'm a bit confused about the original I liked that and wanna get back


@123456ujhvdrtgb The server exists! I can try to make an invite if you wish


My devices did some stuff and had to get new ones so- I uh I wanna at least know if that server is still a thing or deleted


Do you know a book in the changed universe, that’s got an blue cat that serves smoothies at a smoothie bar for other latexes because I read the book once and it seems that it’s disappeared or something.(that time when I read it I didn’t have an account so no read list)


If either one of them are reading this thank you. Thank you. Thank you for helping me realizing just how badly I needed to be waken up and hit with the truth. I did not need somebody in my life to help. Infact I feel much better not having to be so dependent on one singular person. I am strong and independent and honestly this whole situation has made me realize just how trapped I had felt in that relationship. Next time you cheat, maybe tell the person to their face and instead of hiding behind eachother scared. It's sad. If you are reading this you clearly did not listen. Get out of my life. Permanently. This story and everything with it including me does not belong to you. I don't want you near anything I create. My life is much better without the thought of either one of you in it.
          Now on a happier note this whole situation and upcoming summer has inspired me to start writing again. Both for the one shots and the Dr.K prequel. With that being said we will be making a new discord server. This is because of the fact that I trusted my previous partner with the ownership but he refuses to give it up. 
          Once said server is set up I'll begin to write. 
          I just wanted to thank you all for your patience and for being with me for so long. It means the world knowing I have so many people out there from all across the world wanting more from these characters. 
          Sorry for the long break! 


@Distressedbeing If you know either one of these people don't harass them. It's not worth it.


It's been a while but hey! I am back. I know it's probably been frustrating to not see any updates for so long especially since I literally left a story at a prologue. But I wanted to explain a few things in my life and the future of my writing.
          First off I have been incredibly busy this last school year. I've begun to seriously run for my school and because of it have made varsity for both track and cross country. The problem is that these sports physically took everything out of me causing me to barley be able to stay awake some days let alone have time to do school work. Adding even more to my plate I began taking speech and debate much more seriously resulting in me doing both at the same time. Hard work paid off and I made it to nationals for speech and debate. This is all on top of school itself so I've been given little to no time to write.
          On another note a situation has happened in which it was revealed to me that my partner (yes the one mentioned at the end of One of The Same) had been cheating on me for nearly 6 months. With someone he had met through the story. To put it simply he lied to me. About everything. 3 years of friendship down the drain for a guy he just met. I wish I could say that I'm upset but I am not. Obviously I have broken up with him and am now moving on but felt as if everyone needed an explanation considering how important he was to me. Oh and according to him how important this story was to him. But obviously it did not mean a thing. The other person involved also stated how incredible this story was and how much it meant to them. But yet here we are. The only thing that is important to them is eachother now.