
New stories are up! Look for Quick Writes and enjoy!


To all my followers! I will be akf for a while so if you were hoping for some updates then I appologize now for making you wait even longer. I will be back but i have a friend keeping tabs on my account so if you see me on then its not really me unless I say im back. ok Later


I love my family, I really do. But just because im not the A+ student -millionare that you expect me to be, doesnt mean you have take everything that I hold close to me. You yell at me and throw me under the bus because I have done bad in school. Im sorry that I do try to get out in the world but its not a crime to sometimes just keep to myself. I ask myself what love is and everybody seems to give me a different answer so I really dont know what to believe. To all my friends and who ever reads please try find the real meaning of love and never let go of it. Remember this is suppossed to be the land of the free, right?