Should I buy testosterone online, bc my mum said that I'm not allowed to get it until I'm eighteen and I feel like being a little bitch tbh, also voice dysphoria lol

@DiupDiup yeah I feel like as long as you're not so dysphoric that you'd want to hurt yourself I'd wait at least until you're sixteen but that's just my opinion

@Nsjdjfjduudidjfjfj ty, but yeah, I'm thirteen, and I'm planning on buying when I'm fourteen, I want to schedule an appointment with a doctor to ask if they can help me with this to make sure that the hrt doesn't have any bad side effects other than the usual, but I can't get it from a doctor because I'd be on the waiting list for at least five years, probably more considering my age

Yeah she's transphobic, but only towards me, and she said she could help me get the surgery because she gets how annoying it's can be, but she told me that I should never ever get hormones and it's just like, if I don't get those that's an issue actually, and I can't tell my therapist because she'll tell my mum