
ya'll it is *midnight* and the sun has not fully set, tf


this message may be offensive
smol li' vent aka this is one of the first times I've tried to talk about my feelings since a tiny chain of event have led me to realise that humour is just not that healthy of a coping mechanism
          anyways, do you all feel that like you just don't wanna exist, not even that u wanna die, but just like, not really be here, as if life's boring and there's nothing to actually live for other than to help others get through shit
          and is it just me who has to constantly fake having a huge ego until you try to be honest and ppl say you're being too sensitive bc they only know the you who pretends to be better than everyone else but you're actually always feeling like that whenever someone is mean yet you can't verbally articulate that to another 'normal' person or else they'll just instantly get worried or look at you with pity and try to get you to understand you shouldn't feel like this and that it isn't good or normal to feel like this but you know that and that's the only reason you might be honest w/ them
          and like whenever you do somehow talk about how you're feeling it's always through jokes so no one takes you seriously when you jokingly mention shit like sh and imma kms cuz that's just how you act and they think it's just a funny bit but it actually isn't and you're being serious but it might be embarrassing to say that you're serious after they continue on with the conversation
          anyways, just needed to get that outta my system, thx for listening even if the chances that  someone will find this are minimal


anyways so who else is the therapist friend lol


I'm a minor and not a member of LGBTQ+ or an american either. but this message needs to be spread!
          are you part of the LGBTQ+ community? 
          have you heard of project 2025? 
          have you heard that if trump gets elected as president, you can be denied a job because you are from the LGBTQ+??
          please, copy this message and post it on someone else's board, text it to your friends, anything. 
          the project entails much more than this, so please look into it and become educated on the subject. 
          no more abortions is another thing. 
          imagine being draped and having to keep a child inside of you for nine months, and having to raise it even though you didn't want the child.
          if you got an illegal abortion, you would spend more time in jail than your rapist. assuming they got caught, because let's be honest, they never are. 
          please, spread awareness. 
          copied and pasted from Wattpad user


I'm queer tho


ya'll, I'm currently sitting inside my closet watching trans guy tik tok videos on pinterest, soo, ya


@DiupDiup he/they, thx for asking:D ,but anything except female pronouns works too


@DiupDiup btw what are your preferred pronouns? 


          remember, we are super powered and anything rude the straights say to us can and will be taken as an insult and you are allowed to violence them since ye