Hi hi! I understand you are editing "The Abused Girl" but I had just read both the abused girl and "You Can't Have Her" and I would like if you update soon but it is okay if you are still editing ❤️
I will try to update soon but I’ve been working hard on editing “The Abused Girl”. A lot is going to change and hopefully it’ll be a much better book. So that’s why I’ve been slacking on the sequel.
I’m currently working hard on editing “The Abused Girl” lots of things are going to change in that book so I’ve been focusing on it more than the sequel.
Hey can you read my new book, Kid of The Month? It would mean a lot! Thank you so much. It’s mystery/thriller... kinda...
(Ya I know people hate these things and I’m probably annoying the heck out of you (sorry) have a nice day/night)
I just read your book The Abused Girl and I completely loved it!
I am also christian and Im a super curious person, so I was wondering if anything about the book was from your testimony or just your creativity :p
God bless you!
You are awesome:)