
This is to any of my followers that still keep an eye out for new chapters on any of my fanfics but I'm sad to let you know I will probably not update any of these on wattpad. If I do decide to continue any of these future chapters will be uploaded onto my ArchiveOfOurOwn account which is under the same name! Thanks 


@Diver_Toxic. Hello, I really like your series  "OBKK Comback To Me" and want to translate it into my country's language Vietnam. I hope you allow me to put the author's name and copyright of your story clearly, okay? Pls!!!


@ Thanh_Kiu  I really enjoyed that series thank you for your permission hope it will be finished soon ❤


@Thanh_Kiu Hi, you're more than welcome to translate it of course! It still amazes me people want to translate it to share it to a wider audience even though its not finished. 


This is to any of my followers that still keep an eye out for new chapters on any of my fanfics but I'm sad to let you know I will probably not update any of these on wattpad. If I do decide to continue any of these future chapters will be uploaded onto my ArchiveOfOurOwn account which is under the same name! Thanks 


Losing inspiration for a few of my stories halp ;-;


Sorry for the late reply I've only just recently logged into my way to ad again, but thank you for your suggestions! I've always had an rough idea what was going on for the next chapter (I don't plan you see) but my life was a living nightmare but I have more time and inspiration to start writing again! 


            In the fic  about Neji and Naru,  that was a nice curve in the story with Kashi
            being pregnant by Sasu.   Maybe an action scene as Team 7 takes on the day the ninja have come for kashi.  Maybe a second team has infiltrated and they managed to take kashi and Neji?   a race against time because kashi is in the third trimester.


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I'm shion. I don't really post much but when I do it would probably be Naruto. I have really strong feels for Neji, Madara and kakashi so they would probably be in my fics. As you can probably tell I have a pretty fucked up mind and a character will almost certainly suffer for  it. And I admit.  I am not a good writer but if you enjoy my writing than great! :)