
@12Anne16 hehe I can be quite the evil person... but yeah no problem :3


Update Lightning Hounds?


Sorry- I am re reading all of it and going over some changes (nothing drastic just typos and such) and then I'll be uploading it all again refreshed with a new chapter. Sorry its been so long. I have had so much stuff going on- and then my email got hacked so I had to sort that out. But yes, there will be a new update soon, Pinky promise.


hey...um I know its been a while- and many people don't care...but I have thought of a new story and want to hear your feed back if you can. 
          I would really appreciate the trouble you guys would take to read it and comment on if you like/dislike it and if so how or why I can improve it.
          Thank you so much in advance. Love from Divergent_Author x