
Wow! I can’t believe I started this account 6 years ago today!♥️ it has honestly changed my life and brought me such beautiful moments and overwhelming kindness and love! Thank you for following along with me and my writing journey! For committing to my stories and continuing to support them and me! I know I haven’t written in a very long time, but I still appreciate every one of you!♥️


 Can you please please update inner and outer demons 


@Divergent_obsessed46 thank you for sharing your creativity with us! I have honestly enjoyed your stories! Looking forward to reading more of your work! Happy Holidays!! 


@Divergent_obsessed46 Will you update your books?


Will you update "Inner and outer demons"? We've been waiting for so long now. Hope you'll end this amazing story I've never seen such a great fanfic. But it'll break my heart if we don't get the (happy) ending Tris and Four deserve their happy ending after all the things they've been through Hope you'll see this. Please update the book or at least write something, so we could know if you're still active here


@Divergent_obsessed46 Thanks a lot for your reply  I'll wait for the new chapters however long it takes 


Hi!! Thank you so much for all of the love and support on Inner and Outer Demons and on my writing in general!♥️ I deeply deeply apologize to everyone who has been waiting for an update for that book, I’m ashamed of how long it’s been since I’ve updated or even written for that book! It’s still my goal someday to finish it and give you all the ending that you rightfully deserve! I can’t promise when but I still believe I will try to write for it again! Again, I apologize but sincerely appreciate your support and kindness!♥️


hey, thank you for following me back!! maybe you're not a big and famous author but in my eyes, you are!! you don't know how much i love your beautiful and well-written books ❤️


Oh my, you just made my entire day with your sweet words!♥️thank you so very much, I’m so glad to hear that you love my writing, it truly means the world! And it also touches my heart to see how you still enjoy my stories and reread them even though I haven’t written on here in far too long! You are so so kind and this honestly means so much to me, thank you thank you thank you!♥️


Hey, why did you delete Broken? I really liked the fic, despite the fact you've said you won't continue it, and it's an early version of your writing so there are things you've since improved on. I was very sad to open wattpad to this, and I wonder if my misogyny comment had anything to do with it :( I'm so sorry if it did, it wasn't meant in any way to criticise you. I'm also wondering if it got taken down, seeing as there's a rumor that all books with smutty scenes will be taken down. I just wanted to alert you to this if you didn't delete it. 


@Divergent_obsessed46 I'm sad but I respect your decision. If you have an archived version you feel comfortable sharing, I'd love it. If not, that's totally okay :) have a wonderful day. 


Thank you so much for reaching out to me with this and your kind words! I decided to unpublish Broken because I was never really proud of it, nor did I feel like it reflected myself as a writer. It was getting harder and harder to keep it up knowing people were reading something I didn’t love or felt prideful of, so I made the decision to take it down. I appreciate that you took the time to reach out! I’m very glad you enjoyed it!♥️


Wow! I can’t believe I started this account 6 years ago today!♥️ it has honestly changed my life and brought me such beautiful moments and overwhelming kindness and love! Thank you for following along with me and my writing journey! For committing to my stories and continuing to support them and me! I know I haven’t written in a very long time, but I still appreciate every one of you!♥️


 Can you please please update inner and outer demons 


@Divergent_obsessed46 thank you for sharing your creativity with us! I have honestly enjoyed your stories! Looking forward to reading more of your work! Happy Holidays!! 


@Divergent_obsessed46 Will you update your books?


I can't believe how long it's been since I sent out a message or posted an update! I'm so sorry I've been somewhat inactive in my writing! I've been rereading Inner and Outer Demons and I am still so proud of the work I've put into that story, and you all deserve an ending for that book! I'm going to work very hard to try and make that happen for all of you amazing readers, you deserve it!❤️


Omg I’m so excited!!! Even though it’s not finished it’s still one of my favorite fanfics. 