
Stereotypes are ugly. They do vicious cultural work and suggest that these people are not like us. We have nothing in common. And not only do we have nothing in common, but their behaviors and their traits are so deplorable that we don’t want to have anything in common with them. We need only make fun of them. We need only neglect them. We need only degrade them. That’s all they deserve. There’s a viciousness in that that is so inhumane and also justifies so much harm to the region and its people.
          	-Barbara Ellen Smith


Stereotypes are ugly. They do vicious cultural work and suggest that these people are not like us. We have nothing in common. And not only do we have nothing in common, but their behaviors and their traits are so deplorable that we don’t want to have anything in common with them. We need only make fun of them. We need only neglect them. We need only degrade them. That’s all they deserve. There’s a viciousness in that that is so inhumane and also justifies so much harm to the region and its people.
          -Barbara Ellen Smith


Sorry, life is help right now and I haven't even been able to start on a short story. Please cancel my application, I just don't have the time right now. I totally support what you're doing though! Keep up the great work!




Yay! I'm glad you danced with me! 


@tobiezgoodbadboy *dances along* I'm fine~


*dances like an idiot I really am* Hello!*sings* Hello, hello, hello! Hello, how do you do?


You guys should have a book full of stereotypes, and have a writer or someone prove that stereotype wrong or something, idk just a thought XD 


@Ok-Hime that's a ranters job ^^


So what exactly do you do here?


@onceuponforeverafter Okay! thanks this Luna on her main XP I was going to ask if I could be a admin or some other type of worker? and can we talk more about this in pm I don't want to spam DiverseNation


@DiverseNation Absolutely! We're always happy to have new members.


@onceuponforeverafter onceuponforeverafter XD I was going to ask and I think I asked on my main but can I join @Bible-of-Gaara? 
            ~ A Group Joining Madman/Admin Luna