Isla tapped the end of her pencil against her red binder, mindlessly waiting for her phone to go off so she could finally leave. She spent an extra hour on a Sunday to finish up a written project due the next day; she figured she'd have no time to do it later, considering her get together with her friends. She was excited, to say the least, but also a bit worried, though she'd never admit it. You see, the girl she liked didn't exactly get along with her friends. Isla had to admit that she didn't get why they didn't like her; probably because she was a tomboy? Despite that, she didn't instigate any fights between them. Sometimes, she'd talk about Piper positively to get them on her side. If they found out Isla had a... tiny crush on her, they wouldn't understand. Maybe she could try tonight to get them to have her around? No, Piper probably had something better to do. It didn't stop Isla from thinking about it, when suddenly she was interrupted by her alarm. "Great," she whispered, reading the time as 4:15 PM.
Like always, Maddie found herself irritated, yet bored. Having officially given up on school a long time ago, she just tossed her backpack onto her bed once she got home for the weekend and didn't look back. Though it was a Sunday, she wanted to spend her final day of a break before school started. She sat at the outside table near the gentrified part of the town, at a restaurant no one attended. She rested her legs on the bench seat, and rested her chin on her palm. Maddie's headache subsided a few minutes after, finally giving her a (not so) well deserved break. A day like this, she'd want to see someone special to her. Just like old times when she'd spend literally every day, all day, with her closest friends. Though senior year tended to keep them apart. It had been four months since she moved back, being almost entirely different from when she left. Admittedly, she liked being with the boys again, it was just odd how much had changed.