<3 Thank you so much for fanning! =D And the song is amazing! At least I think so... Tell me what you think of it after you listen to it!
Keep writing!
@Star_catcher37 Thanks! I will.... i just have to find time to write! Most of my time has been going to homework:/ (I have a research paper due!)But will post more! hopefully soon:)
@Star_catcher37 Your welcome! I love your poetry:) Oh and thanks for the star! I love stars:)
@CowCakeBomb Thanks! It means a lot to me! I never heard that song before......0.o Ima go listen to it right now!
O.o Wow! You need more fans. Ima spread the world about you, cause your poems are just awesome. You need more credit.
Oh, and me favorite song is "Paradise Lost" by Hollywood Undead. 8D
Thanks tons of ice cream for fanning!!! And since you're the twentieth, I'm going to give you a star with the three ton digital ice cream! You see that star next to Orion? That's yours!! I would give you one of Orion's Belt, but that's not mine; that's NASA's.
Enjoy you're new star!
~Amber the Awesome :)
@PurpleStar97 Haha! I guess we do! I'm more of a team jacob but i love Renesmee! And music is my life, i can't live without it:) I literally listen to every genre but i mostly listen to rock music:)