

I don't know what's going on for you [obviously], but I hope you're well. You're books are beautiful and your dedication to writing books that so boldly show your character's connection with God is inspiring. I especially love that your characters are still human and make mistakes and lose their way at times. Suzanna forgetting to pray at times, but then remembering and finding peace in God reminded me a lot of how I can be at times, and it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who struggles to make the best choices and remember who is in control and in charge of it all. 
          I'll pray for your health and wellbeing. 
          Thank you for sharing your works with the world. 
          Have a blessed life wherever God leads you from here. :) 


Um….I think Divine Romance might of either lost her acc password or yknow… ☹️
          But I really hope not bc she hasn’t updated in 3 years it’s so depressing she wrote the best books :(


@Alinaah1 aww you're probably right
