
Hi guys, just a quick message to say you may have noticed that a few of my fics have disappeared from my account. I suspect someone reported my CATB Smutty Imagines book which got deleted (thanks for that whoever did that after 127k reads) so I’ve unpublished a few of my other stories whilst I make back-ups and figure out what to do. 
          	I’m hoping to repost my chaptered stories back on here quite soon (they actually have a plot rather than just porn ha ha) but I’ll probably post a lot of my smutty one-shots and a back up of everything on Tumblr once I’ve set up a new writing blog.
          	To say I’m truly gutted about losing all the lovely interactions I’ve had with you lot on some of my fics is an understatement, thank you so much for reading my stories and supporting me. 
          	Lots of love, Em xxx


Hi guys, just a quick message to say you may have noticed that a few of my fics have disappeared from my account. I suspect someone reported my CATB Smutty Imagines book which got deleted (thanks for that whoever did that after 127k reads) so I’ve unpublished a few of my other stories whilst I make back-ups and figure out what to do. 
          I’m hoping to repost my chaptered stories back on here quite soon (they actually have a plot rather than just porn ha ha) but I’ll probably post a lot of my smutty one-shots and a back up of everything on Tumblr once I’ve set up a new writing blog.
          To say I’m truly gutted about losing all the lovely interactions I’ve had with you lot on some of my fics is an understatement, thank you so much for reading my stories and supporting me. 
          Lots of love, Em xxx


Hello lovelies just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support and for reading my silly stories ❤️
          How’s everyone feeling about a CATB comeback? I’m ecstatic and so excited! Hopefully seeing Van again will give me more inspo to write even more fics xxx


this message may be offensive
Hey guys hope you are all doing good ❤️
          I’m not writing as much these days as inspiration is a little hard to come by with Van falling off the face of the earth, but I intend to try and update my stories soon (maybe over Christmas) and hopefully write some new imagines too. I miss the catb guys so much and am still hopeful we might hear from them all individually in the new year!
          Anyway I also wanted to say thank you so much for the follows and for reading my stuff - just realised I had 70k reads on my imagines book - holy shit!!! Thank you for your support, it means so much to me you wouldn’t believe 
          Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas/holiday season and Happy New Year, much love xxx


@angelindurham thank you! Hope you have a great Christmas too x


@Carsik_7 Happy holidays  xxx


Hope 2023 brings great things for you and your loved ones, have a great Christmas/Holiday! Love your work x 


Hi guys! 
          Just wanted to say hello (especially to my new followers!) I’ve just posted Part 1 of a new CATB AU fic if you fancy a read… it’s just a very short introduction but if you enjoy Ice Cold you’ll probably like it… I won’t start updating it too regularly yet though until I’ve finished a few more of my WIPs! 
          As always, thanks for reading xxx


me running over to read it 


Hi guys! Hope you’re all good. I’ve just posted Part 1 of my new story called Teach Me. It’s going to be another smutty one (might feature some similar vibes to Playing Hard To Get with hopefully a bit more of a plot this time!)


@Impulsedecisions Hope you like it! I see you’ve been doing some writing too! I’ll have a read later…


@Divine_Ribs omw to add it to my library


Okay so I lied ha ha!!! Been writing all afternoon so I have the next part of I’m With The Band written and also Part 1 of a new imagine to share with you later! Hopefully I’ll have the next part of Ice Cold up in the next few days too…


@fading-memories ha I know! I’m so up and down at the moment!


Haha, shortest break ever! 


omg hell yeah i’m so excited 
            great to have you back ❤️


Hi guys, just to let you know I’m having a little break from posting just while I deal with some stuff that I have going on. I’m still writing behind the scenes when the mood takes me (I have sooooo many stories in my drafts) but it might be a while before I update my stories. 
          Sorry… I’m sure I’ll be back on it soon! And thanks so much for reading! xxx


You guys are the best!  


@Divine_Ribs Don't worry, everything will be fine! I'll wait as long as you need!


We love you. Good luck!


Hi guys hope you’re all good!
          I’ve just updated Part 2 of my Private Dancer story, and I’m hoping to update Ice Cold and I’m With The Band by the end of the week.
          Just to let you know, I’m currently in the early stages of planning one (or maybe two) new AU stories. I might be a way off starting these new projects but I’ll be sure to update you when I do...
          Thanks so much for reading xxx


@Divine_Ribs I love all your stories ♥


I’m excited for the new AU stories!!


Hi! Just a quick note to say I’ve posted the first part of my sequel to All The Mixed Feelings - it’s called It’s Like I’m On The Outside.
          Feeling kinda blown away with over 8.75k reads on ATMF so far... thanks so much to everyone who read/voted/commented!