
Namaste ..Hola ...Hello all my lovely followers .
          	I just wanted to say thanks for following me . I don't know what unnatural power forced you to do so but know that I thank them everyday . 
          	Also I've updated 'KIDNAPPED' . Check it out maybe and spread the news about it .. I will be eternally be grateful . Go comment on it , vote for it and tell your followers about it . 
          	You can ask me for advice on anything ..your writing , your personal life ..anything I mean and I would happily give you some advice on whatever matter . People say I'm really good at solving problems , so hit me anytime if you want to . I can do a shout out !!! But you'll  have to ask for it ..okay , that's all for today , you are dismissed . Just kidding . Lmao , bbye and remember that you all are beauts .