Formerly, I went by the pen name LadyOlanthe, but, as a new pen name suggests, this is a new leaf, a new year, and a fresh start. Now I'm back on wattpad to share some original fiction and new work that I hope you all will enjoy. 

What genres you'll come to see penned by Dixie Monroe?:
-Science Fiction

I will have up a guidelines page as to what I will/won't accept posted in reviews/comments on my stories and works as well as on my message board. I ask that everyone please read through that before deciding to read my books or even post anything on my message board. I do NOT read fanfiction or popfiction, so before you try to advertise anywhere (which my guidelines will also feature where to advertise as well as what I will read) please take that under consideration. Any sort of advertisement posted in a place I have deemed inappropriate will be deleted and then ignored. Please understand where I am coming from and do the smart thing and go read those guidelines and links/requests where they should be posted. Thank you.

With all of that aside, I hope you enjoy reading and I can't wait to hear from everyone :) Keep writing and stay cool, nerds.

~Dixie Monroe
  • at the hop
  • Üye olduJanuary 3, 2014

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