Thanks. Yeah but its kinda hard to talk to your parents about things when they have labeled you as the good child, and telling me how they are proud that I don't let the pressure of society and let what other people think of me get to me. But in actuality I do. and its hard not to when I grew up being picked on and in 5th grade when it was the worst I told the teachers and my parents and they did nothing about it, they said just to ignore them and its hard to just let it go especially when your 10 years old. And yeah I understand that I should love my sister and I do. I am happy I have a sister, But she gets on my nerves and bugs me 24/7. And Yeah I know that. Trust me I have cousin that are adopted from Ethiopia and China and places like that, And some of the stories my aunt told me when very appealing. And I know that I could have it so much worse than what It is, but a person can only take so much of it all. And thanks both of you. :) @kammymonsterxx @Forever_Alright