My name is Nnamdi and I use a wheelchair,  I grew up in a family of writers. My Grandpa used to write books in Nigeria an my mom wrote poems. Writing has always been a passion of mine and a big part of my life. I loved finding an empty journal and literally twitching to write a story in it! I would write about anything! Writing stories for me is like me having a movie in my head and jotting down what's going on in my head. Books and movies also inspire me to write stories too, no one understands what a big part reading books and watching movies play a big part of getting inspired to make stories .  Listening to classical music also plays a big part of making me stay focused, and helps me be creative when I write. I personally like listening to classical music movies from movies and shows. Im so happy I found writers like me on here  on Wattpad that also love doing what I do! Its amazing we have space like Wattpad where we can read, help each other as writers grow and showcase our talents in writing. Its awesome! I hope to showcase my talents on here and I hope you guys really enjoy what I have to offer.
  • Writers City
  • JoinedSeptember 5, 2021
