I have a task to give all of my followers if they are willing.
During the next month or so if you can add a follow to people you haven't followed before. Also on your message board post a similar message to this one or the same one.
When you believe your niece could be a daughter of Hermes. She pickpocketted me this morning at Disneyland before we could get on the tram. Don't worry guys I got back my ticket and money before we could walk into the gates.
Oh my gods I found someone who is in the Warriors fandom. I am no longer alone.
Victoria: You were never alone genius.
Angie: How the .......
Erica: Victoria stop being rude to Angie or I'll run my sword through you.
Angie and Victoria: *gulp*
(Angie has left chat room)
(Victoria has left chat room)
Erica: I'm alone
Jessica: You Are Not Alone
(Angie has entered chat room)
Angie: Stop making Doctor Who references
*Doctor Who theme song starts*
(Everyone has left chat room)