
I seriously am gonna punch a wall. Because of Hurricane Sandy and the giant blizzard in te Northeast I now have a ONE DAY spring break! Like seriously?! How could they torture us more? But on the good side I'm actually gonna go on a trip! We're goin to Washington DC! I feel really bad tho for the kids at my school who actually cancelled their trips just because we now have school, it's a sad world out here, thank god I'm not from here!


I seriously am gonna punch a wall. Because of Hurricane Sandy and the giant blizzard in te Northeast I now have a ONE DAY spring break! Like seriously?! How could they torture us more? But on the good side I'm actually gonna go on a trip! We're goin to Washington DC! I feel really bad tho for the kids at my school who actually cancelled their trips just because we now have school, it's a sad world out here, thank god I'm not from here!


Ok it took me a while, well that's an understatement. But I just unloaded chapter 2 of All it Took so go read it!! OMG and I just watched The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, saddest movie ever. I probably look like a raccoon rite now but it's like 11 pm so no biggy.


I so lied when I said All It Took would be up by New Years, I'm so sorry!! I've just been so busy! And school just started today and the teachers are piling on a lot of homework so, I'll try to get it done by Monday. I hope all of you had a good New Years and hope u have good fortune in 2013!!! Thanks -Emma <3