
Now you may be wondering what is happening no new chapter again this week. 
          	Let me explain
          	I am currently struggling with some schedule changes, now in saying that I still have quite a lot of time of time on my hands. 
          	In all honesty, I have been struggling mentally. Trying to navigate that whilst also write is difficult. I am my own harshest critic and so hating my writing is one of the things that I can avoid at the moment. 
          	I still have one more finished chapter that I will post when I have some other completed chapters. 
          	I hope you all stay happy and healthy, but most importantly if you are not, get help.


Now you may be wondering what is happening no new chapter again this week. 
          Let me explain
          I am currently struggling with some schedule changes, now in saying that I still have quite a lot of time of time on my hands. 
          In all honesty, I have been struggling mentally. Trying to navigate that whilst also write is difficult. I am my own harshest critic and so hating my writing is one of the things that I can avoid at the moment. 
          I still have one more finished chapter that I will post when I have some other completed chapters. 
          I hope you all stay happy and healthy, but most importantly if you are not, get help.


Hi kiddies, another chapter of United goes up today!!
          The following is a heads-up for next week. 
          There will be no new chapter next week.
          Explanation: It's my birthday. 
          Had a crazy week last week so I hardly managed to get a chapter done, some work is done but not a lot. I also got a Nintendo Switch that is consuming my life . I have been doing this on and off in between my appointments which just got more frequent. I still have chapters waiting to be published.
          There just won't be a new chapter next week.
          Thanks, and I will see you all in 2 weeks


Okay team so last week I said that I would have the chapter out this week. Well, that does not look like it will be the case. I have noticed a few errors in my writing and have decided that I want to change them now rather than work on the story and come back to it later. Yes, the other day I finished the skeleton of Chapter 3 and currently have half finished 4. which I am super proud of, but yeah hopefully by the end of today, I can finish these changes so the first chapter of United can go live in the next couple of days.


Hello everybody,
          As you may have seen, I have been publishing some things...
          My "One Shots" book is out with one chapter available for your viewing. 
          The background for my debut novel "United" is out for you to add to your library. I have finished the first 2 chapters but I waiting till I have finished the 3rd before I start publishing, which will hopefully be by the end of this week.
          Keep an eye out for them when they drop. 


I am back… 
          It has been a couple years hasn’t it. I have some stories I am writing and i am going to be honest I am really nervous to release them. So hopefully soon I will be less scared and jump right in and start publishing them all for you to read.
          Thank you all for your support.