
this message may be offensive
Everyone I try to talk to keeps ignoring me
          	Even my boyfriend
          	Why wont anyone talk to me
          	I hate being lonely
          	And now im crying and I cant fucking stop 
          	I hate this
          	I hate it
          	I thought my boyfriend would never ignore me
          	Does he not love me anymore or something?
          	I dont get it


@DoDaSpaceyThing im sure your boyfriend loves you, he might just need some space


@creativelps oh nom im not talking about you. Ive been trying to message friends on Xbox and theyve been ignoring me. Namely Levi, the Hungarian dude ive talked about a few times.


Is you're name doyaspaceything based off the gorillaz song do ya thang?


@TurquoiseLeaderEmma nope. Its based off of homestuck. Dodaspaceything=dothespaceything=Do the spacey thing! Which is like a reference to a line in the comic


this message may be offensive
Everyone I try to talk to keeps ignoring me
          Even my boyfriend
          Why wont anyone talk to me
          I hate being lonely
          And now im crying and I cant fucking stop 
          I hate this
          I hate it
          I thought my boyfriend would never ignore me
          Does he not love me anymore or something?
          I dont get it


@DoDaSpaceyThing im sure your boyfriend loves you, he might just need some space


@creativelps oh nom im not talking about you. Ive been trying to message friends on Xbox and theyve been ignoring me. Namely Levi, the Hungarian dude ive talked about a few times.


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          I have a controversial opinion about a certain sexuality and I know if I say it yall will fucking crucify me and like I kinda wanna say it but I know I will lose over half of my friends on here sksksksksksks


@ShellPasta ugh okay
            Ill make a youtube video about it tomorrow and put a link in my next status update
            If you want me to tell you rn tho I can message you


@ShellPasta do you REALLY wanna know?


          I didnt think yall'd actually uh, care
          Im okay now, I talked with my boyfriend.
          I get upset sometimes, but this is the first time in years its been this bad.
          im sorry for upsetting anyone, I honestly was ranting thinking that no one was gonna read em, even if I put notify followers on


this message may be offensive
Maybe i should just fucking kill myself
          Not like anyone would fucking miss me


this message may be offensive
@iFrogTea I just don't see a fucking point anymore
            Im failing school, my boyfriend is halfway across the world, I have a shitton of undiagnosed problems cause the mental healthcare in the south is fucking horrible
            I see no point in anything anymore


@DoDaSpaceyThing hey dude, i know things aren't the best today, and might not be tomorrow, but remember one day there's gonna be something good about to happen, wether it'd be a new friend, or just something sweet. Maybe you'll lay down on your couch and notice how soft cushions, maybe you'll find a friendly cat on the street to pet, or maybe something else. Whatever it is, things will always get better, it just needs time.