This is a jointed account for Lexi(@ilovereading210), Wisteria(@etiquetteespionage), and @WhoviansAreAwesome!!!!!!



Lexi(@ilovereading210): Love reading and writing!✌
I love vampire diaries, HP(ESPECIALLY HARRY POTTER), twilight, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson, and others
********************Without crazy people the world be a boring place. **************************************** Even in the darkest times, you can find happyness all you have to do is turn on the light. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The world is a dark and cruel place. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

EvAnGeLiNe(@etiquetteespionage):my name is EvAnGeLiNe and i have countless disorders and complexes and if you kiddies are good you get a list of my top ten, i love my chemical romance, books, chocolate, tea J.K. Rowling, and rick riordan, and steampunk, at 2 points in time i tried to kill myself, i love puffskeins, phoenixes, and kelpies, i am not lost because to be lost you have to know where you are supposed to be, AND I LOVE OUR QUEEN AND SAVIOR FROM ALL THINGS BORING !GAIL CARRIGER!

  • JoinedNovember 9, 2014